現在のページの位置: 空齋竹工芸 > 作品 > 35 香合 > 古今和歌集 香合 [35-012]


古今和歌集 香合 [35-012]

古今和歌集 香合

  • 縦8.5cm×横3cm×厚さ2.5cm


古今和歌集 香合 内側 古今和歌集 香合 内側

古今和歌集 香合 表面

Kogo reformed from “Shin Kokin Wakashū”

  • D.8.5cm x W.3cm x Thickness 2.5cm

This Kogo has knots made of Susudake on the top and the bottom. It reminds us of a “Makimono”(a Japanese hand scroll). On the surface of the body, there are a few light and shade of Susudake, and a sculptured title of a old Japanese waka poetry “Shin Kokin Wakashū Volume 1”. A layer of black lacquer had applied over a layer of red lacquer, but top black lacquer was polished and thined. So the layer of red lacquer appeared slightly.


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