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煤竹籠目編 置花籠 [55-032]

煤竹籠目編 置花籠
煤竹籠目編 置花籠
  • 口径18cm×高さ25cm 底の径26cm


底 側面

Flower Basket

This flower basket was made of Susudake. The body was made by Kagomeami-plaiting, known as the most basic way of plaiting, and has three base lines of bamboo crossed at the bottom. Six splitted bamboo lines were set on the outside of the body. These lines also hold an important place in strength. At the rim stitching, there is a handgrip which was made of thin splitted bamboo lines by Hineriami plaiting.

手付置花籠 [55-031]

  • 幅25cm×口径14cm×高さ30cm


手付置花籠 側面 手付置花籠 手付置花籠 底

Flower Basket with a handgrip

This flower basket was made of Migakinodake. The body was made by Asanoha-tsubushi plaiting and it has thin line made by Sasara plaiting as an accent. At the rim stitching, it was stitched with split rattan lines after setting about 12 or 13 mm Susudake to the inner and the outer ground. On the out side of the body, about 10 mm Susudake was banded from bottom to top. A thin Nemagaridake which was combined with the body shaped as a handgrip.

晒し竹置籠 [55-030]


  • 横24cm×高さ21cm×口径7.5cm



Flower basket made of Sarashidake

  • W.24cm x H.21cm x Caliber 7.5cm

This flower basket was made of Sarashidake. The body was made of about 7.5cm Sarashidake splitted to 32 lines by Hineriami-plaiting. The upper part was joined to the lower part and the body was shaped roundness with the hollowed top.

晒し竹置籠 [55-029]


  • 横23cm×高さ32.5cm×口径7.5cm



Flower basket made by Sarashiami-plaiting

  • W.23cm x H.32.5cm x Caliber.7.5cm

This flower basket, looks like a Japanese lantern, was made of Sarashidake. The body was made of about 7.5cm Sarashidake splitted to 32 lines by Hineriami-plaiting. The upper part was joined to the lower part and the body was shaped roundness.

煤竹 置花籠 [55-028]


  • 横23.5cm×高さ22.5cm×口径22cm


置籠花入 置籠花入 側面 置籠花入 底

Flower basket of Susudake

  • W.23.5cm x H.22.5cm x Caliber.22cm

This flower basket was made of about 7mm Susudake. The base with a hemp leaf pattern plaiting was the first made and the body with square plaiting was the second. At the rim stitching, it was stitched with split rattan lines after setting Nemagaridake to the inner and the outer ground. The handle of this basket makes for the nice accent.

煤竹 置花籠 [55-027]

煤竹 置花籠

  • 縦20cm×横20cm×高さ13cm


煤竹 置花籠 煤竹 置花籠 底

Flower Basket of Susudake

  • H.20cm x W.20cm x H.13cm

This flower basket was made by Nejiri-ami plaiting of Susudake. The bottom was made by loose square plaiting. The side of the body was made by thin bamboo lines. A transformation appeared at one third of the upper body. The remain of the body was plaited with the same Nejiri-ami and about 6 through 8cm lines were bended to the inside.

手付置花籠 [55-026]


  • 直径20cm×高さ30cm


手付置花籠 側面 手付置花籠 底

手付置花籠 アストロメリア

Flower Basket

  • Diameter.20cm x H.30cm

This flower basket was dyed dark after being made by twill plaiting with Migakinotake. The plaiting was started from the hexagonal bottom. The body is roundness and it has a wavy pattern which was made of six splitted bamboo at the middle of the body. At the rim stitching, it was stitched with split rattan lines after setting Susudake to the outer and inner ground. The handgrip was made of two split rattan lines(about 7mm) and it was tied upside as a decoration.

煤竹 虫籠 [55-025]

煤竹 虫籠

  • 直径(最大幅)15cm×高さ21cm


煤竹 花籠 ムクゲ

Flower Basket “Mushikago” of Susudake

  • Diameter(max.).15cm(5.9″) x H.21cm(8.3″)

This Mushikago(looks like a insect cage) was made of Susudake. The body is a combination of two parts. Upper body was plaited from the rim stitching with Hineri-ami which used double split bamboo lines. The bottom body is different from the upper one. The first of plaiting bottom is Hineri-ami, the middle is Gozame-ami and the last four or five tiers are Hineri-ami. At the last, upper body was combined with bottom.

