- 横19cm×奥行き15.5cm×高さ12cm口径14cm×12cm
現在のページの位置: 空齋竹工芸 > 作品 > 65 置・掛 花籠
2018 年 9 月 23 日
2018 年 9 月 2 日
2009 年 9 月 26 日
This flower basket was made of Migakinotake. The body looks like a creel. The base was made with square plaiting and the body was made with twist plaiting. Having been stained and coated with Japanese lacquer, It looks calm.
2008 年 9 月 26 日
This flower basket was made of Migakino-take bamboo which skin chipped off the Tsurushi-no-take. The bamboo were cut about 4 or 4.5cm and bended to make the side. They were piled double for width and triple for length as the base, and stitched with split rattan lines at the corner on the base and at the some points of the body. At the rim stitching, it was set Nemagaridake to the outer and inner ground, put split bamboo lines and stitched with split rattan lines. This basket goes well with not only Tokonoma but also a hall or a living room since it has modern feelings.
2008 年 7 月 1 日
This flower basket was made by Nejiri-ami plaiting of Susudake. Four thin bamboo lines are joined to each corner of the bottom which was made by loose square plaiting. A quarter of the body was made roundness by Nejiri-ami plaiting and remains are narrowed down to the rim. At the rim stitching, it was stitched with split rattan lines after setting about 10mm Susudake to the inner ground and thin split bamboo lines to the outer ground. At each corner, it was stitched with split rattan lines after setting about 7 or 10mm bamboo as accent. At the back of the body, it has a hook to hang on the wall.
2006 年 9 月 21 日
煤竹櫛目編手付置花籠 [55-010] の作品と同型。