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About HAMAYA Kusai

Who is HAMAYA Kusai ?



HAMAYA Kūsai(蛤谷空齋)(January 1, 1918 through May 29, 1995) was a Japanese bamboo artist. He made artistic works of bamboo based on his unique sensibility. After World War II, he started studying oneself and making bamboo craft, went to museum many times and learned skills from his ancestors.

Many of his earlier works (his thirties) are basket for flowers. Afterwards, he gradually started making tea-things(“Sado-gu” in Japanese), that was unique art in harmonizing lacquer with bamboo. In those days, following KAZUE Hyōnenshi(数江瓢鮎子)’s helpful advice, he got into the limelight. Learning with many books and went to many museums eagerly, he made many bamboo works which were harmonized lacquer with. His later years, he called his house “Sō-Gei-An(痩蛙庵)”, and always was having eagerness for making tea-things. The Kusai’s bamboo art which was enhanced dainty of bamboo with usefulness and beautiful by him is worth recognizing just about works of art and still in charmed from many people. He also liked drawing, calligraphy, seal engraving and reading books of Ryōkan Taigu(良寛), Ono no Michikaze(or Ono no Tōfū) and so on.

Personal History

Kusai Kusai Kusai Kusai