Location : 空齋竹工芸 > Kusai's Bamboo Art > 手付置花籠 [55-031]

Kusai's Bamboo Art

手付置花籠 [55-031]

  • 幅25cm×口径14cm×高さ30cm


手付置花籠 側面 手付置花籠 手付置花籠 底

Flower Basket with a handgrip

This flower basket was made of Migakinodake. The body was made by Asanoha-tsubushi plaiting and it has thin line made by Sasara plaiting as an accent. At the rim stitching, it was stitched with split rattan lines after setting about 12 or 13 mm Susudake to the inner and the outer ground. On the out side of the body, about 10 mm Susudake was banded from bottom to top. A thin Nemagaridake which was combined with the body shaped as a handgrip.

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