Location : 空齋竹工芸 > Kusai's Bamboo Art > 煤竹 掛花籠 [60-005]

Kusai's Bamboo Art

煤竹 掛花籠 [60-005]

煤竹 掛花籠

  • 横15cm×高さ13cm×口径14cm、12.5cm


煤竹 掛花籠 側面 掛花籠

Flower basket of Susudake

This flower basket was made of about 4 through 10 mm Susudake by square plaiting. The basket has a change of the plaiting caused by a width of a bamboo or size of a stitch. At the rim stitching, it was stitched with about 5mm Susudake.

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