Location : 空齋竹工芸 > Kusai's Bamboo Art > 網代編 水注 [80-003]

Kusai's Bamboo Art

網代編 水注 [80-003]

網代編 水注

  • 横22.5cm×高さ17cm


網代編 水注 蓋を取ったところ 網代編 水注 底

  • 1981年空齋、云亭二人展出展作品


  • W.22.5cm(8.85″)×H.17cm(6.7″)

The hexagonal body and the lip for pouring were made by twill plaiting. Narrow Nemagaritake was attached to each corner of the hexagonal body and the handgrip. The bottom looks like a spool for string for a kite. Of course we put water into this, since a lot of layers of black lacquer were applied inside and a lot of layers of red lacquer were applied outside.

  • Kusai Bamboo Art Show collaborates Untei in 1981
  • Uncategorized

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