Location : 空齋竹工芸 > Kusai's Bamboo Art > 網代編 水注 [80-004]

Kusai's Bamboo Art

網代編 水注 [80-004]

網代編 水注

  • 横18cm×高さ27cm


網代編 水注 蓋を取ったところ

  • 1981年空齋、云亭二人展出展作品


  • W.18cm(7.08″)×H.27cm(10.6″)

The body was made by twill plaiting and a handgrip was attached with circle rattan lines. The surface of the body was painted with black and red lacquer. It has originality.

  • Kusai Bamboo Art Show collaborates Untei in 1981
  • Uncategorized

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