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Kusai's Bamboo Art

The official website of HAMAYA kusai. He made many Japanese Bamboo Art.

煤竹櫛目編 手付置花籠 [55-010]

煤竹櫛目編 手付置花籠

  • 縦18,5cm×横19.5cm×高さ34.5cm×底一辺10.5cm角
  • 銘「遊雲」

煤竹櫛目編花籠 [65-001] の作品と同型。


煤竹櫛目編 手付置花籠 正面 煤竹櫛目編 手付置花籠 斜め 煤竹櫛目編 手付置花籠 横 煤竹櫛目編 手付置花籠 底

  • 1983年美術グラフ4月号(日本美術出版)掲載作品

Flower Basket with handle, and made with Kushime plaiting [55-010]

  • H.34.5cm(13.6″) x W.19.5cm(7.7″) x D.18.5cm(7.3″). The base is a square of 10.5cm(4.1″).
  • inscription:”You-oon”

The bamboo, bended to make the side, were piled as the base. On the side, there are light and shade of Susudake and a pattern of knots of bamboo. Wide bamboo are put in each corner of the main body, and fastened with Toucawa in order to give the swelling. At the rim stitching, the bamboo bent square beforehand is allotted, and the decoration connection is applied with Toucawa. It is a work for stand that has the handle made of Susudake.

  • It appeared in the April edition in 1983 “The Art Graph” (Nippon Bijutsu Shuppan publishing).

